Healthcare Regulations, EMR Overbilling, and Bandu: Around Healthcare Scene

This weeks roundup is actually a compilation of posts from the past two weeks, because I wasn’t able to get last weeks done. Enjoy!


Dating EHR vs Marriage

It may seem like an interesting analogy, but what is the difference between “dating” and EHR, and settling down a “marrying” one. This post has some interesting thoughts on the matter, including the idea, “You may treat me great when we’re “EHR Dating”, but how are you going to treat me once we’re married?”

Keeping Up with Healthcare Regulations

Many physicians have the same complaint — it’s hard to keep up with healthcare regulations. A new program called HCPro Comply, has basically answers and suggestions to every question, all bundled into one place. It also has an “Ask an Expert” section, for those who may need a little more help or clarification.

 Hospital EMR and EHR

Gap Between Small/Rural and Large/Urban Hospitals Closing

Most of the time, it is said that small and rural hospitals are lagging behind in the adoption of EMR. However, Modern Healthcare suggests otherwise. CPSI, a vendor that typically is for smaller hospitals, is shown to be the vendor for 19 percent of the hospitals that have totally integrated EMRs, which is much larger than some of the larger EMR companies. While there is still a long road ahead for smaller hospitals and EMRs, it’s encouraging to see numbers like this.

EMR Overbilling Investigations Sling Mud At Meaningful Use Program 

There recently were allegations in the New York Times, accusing overbilling and upcoding of increasing since the rise of EMR. Whether these allegations were warranted or not, the ONC has taken action, and a study is being conducted to see if providers use EMRs to upcode billing. This is just another issue for providers to worry about as they implement EMRs.

Smart Phone Healthcare

Five Medical Apps Every Parent Should Have

For the first time parent, or the seasoned one, there’s several apps that have been created to help manage a child’s health. These apps range from sleep trackers, to symptom checkers, to an electronic medical ID card. While not every parent will find each one helpful, there’s sure to be at least one for everyone.

Bandu: Can Monitoring Your Stress Levels Help Lower Them? 

In a world where it seems everyone is constantly on the go, stress levels are likely to be higher than ever. However, a company is working toward helping people control their stress. Neumitra created a wearable device that monitors stress levels and identifies locations or situations where stress may be a little to high. It helps people recognize when they need to try and de-stress a little, and have a healthier, happier life.

Meaningful Health IT News

My First Portal Experience

Although he has been writing about Health IT for years, Neil Versel has never actually used one for his own personal benefit. However, he recently had the opportunity to when he received an email about some changes that were made. In this post, he talks about what it was like, what was available, and his feelings about it.

Happy EMR Doctor

EMRs’ Slippery Slope of Cloning Notes

A problem with EMRs is the temptation to clone notes from one record to another. While not all doctor’s take advantage of the “cut-and-paste” function, some do and rob the system in the process. There are some solutions and they must be considered in order to cut down on those who are taking advantage of it.

About the author

Katie Clark

Katie Clark is originally from Colorado and currently lives in Utah with her husband and son. She writes primarily for Smart Phone Health Care, but contributes to several Health Care Scene blogs, including EMR Thoughts, EMR and EHR, and EMR and HIPAA. She enjoys learning about Health IT and mHealth, and finding ways to improve her own health along the way.

